October Prayer Request

October 2020 Prayer Request – “Righteousness Exalts a Nations”

Please pray for Marcus Williams for God to give him grace to stay strong in the face of attacks and afflictions from hell. He leads the home for vulnerable children through a tough time under COVID-19. We must continue to pursue for increased grace and strength to continue in Jesus name. 

"Getting in Tune"

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach [shame, disgrace] to any people” (Prov 14:34).

All eyes are turned to the United States in these unusual times, as our news is filled with “shocking new revelations,” stern official recommendations and false accusations to stir up controversy. Those reporting “facts” interpret those facts completely differently, with each reaching different conclusions to suit their own biases.


Confusion has crept into the church, as warring prophets and fiery preachers make conflicting pronouncements – causing it to seem that even God must be uncertain or confused!

Committed believers (or families) can be found arguing strenuously on both sides of political issues, acting as if the God of the universe is a member of their chosen political party.

Add to that the riots, protests, looting and rampant rebellion in the streets in many US cities, along with contention over abortion, sexual orientation, masks and whether churches can even meet.
All this while more and more Christians are being targeted with hatred, blame, even government and media censorship.

Inevitable Change

This reveals to us a stark reality: The long-time works of the demonic principality of Jezebel and other demon forces have been exposed, and are now unleashed in all their hatred and fury in this nation (1Kings 18:4; Eph 6:12). 

There is no denying that these are contentious and stressful times. And it would be foolish to not acknowledge that a spiritual and cultural “war” is taking place, with very high stakes as the outcome. 

One can sense that things have “shifted,” both in the natural and spiritual realms. Times are changing and will continue to do so regardless of what party or person temporarily controls the reins of governmental power going forward. 

So, as Christ’s followers, what should we do?

  1. Remember that God’s all-powerful and everywhere-present Person is with His children! (Heb 13:5). The Bible declares that God is over us, around us, behind us, for us, in us – and will
    work through us!
  2. Resist fear, or succumbing to despair over challenging circumstances. Do not let the uncertain times smother or erode your faith and trust in your All-Powerful King. The most-recorded command in Scripture is, “Do not be afraid!”
  3. TUNE OUT SO YOU CAN TUNE IN! We read in 1Kings Chapter 19 about the prophet Elijah. He had just seen the mighty power of God displayed, and annihilated 450 prophets of Baal. But as soon as he encountered the demonic Jezebel, he felt intimidated and overwhelmed. Elijah ran to hide and wanted to quit his calling from God.

But God called him out from his cave of fear. The Lord passed by and the physical realm responded intensely – yet the Lord was not in the fierce wind, the shaking or the fire.

Rather, the Lord’s voice and presence were in a delicate, quiet whisper to Elijah. Why a whisper? When someone whispers, we lean in and get closer to them. We quiet all the other noise and demands in order to clearly hear the still, small voice.

And what did God say to Elijah?

1. God gave Elijah true assurance that he was not alone because God had a whole contingent of people who were on Elijah’s side (19:18).
2. God gave Elijah the strength that comes from a sense of purpose as an influencer of the nation of Israel (19:3) and included specific instructions about what he should do next.
3. God gave Elijah hope, as he was charged with anointing the next prophet in Israel who would pick up his mantle and continue to speak for the Lord.

All of this came from a whispered conversation with the Almighty! We are in such days when we must have our hearts, minds and ears tuned to the voice of our Master. We must take the time to be “tuned in” to His voice because listening to what someone else says they have heard is no longer enough.

All of this came from a whispered conversation with the Almighty! We are in such days when we must have our hearts, minds and ears tuned to the voice of our Master. We must take the time to be “tuned in” to His voice because listening to what someone else says they have heard is no longer enough. 

Wisdom for Today!

The Bible tells us about “the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1Chron 12:32). How did they “know the times” in order to direct the people of Israel in the right way? It could only have been revealed by God Himself, who knows the end from the beginning! 

Thankfully, God is not taken by surprise at the times we are in. In spite of the “nations raging,” He is still unfolding with unstoppable power His eternal purposes. 

Now is the time for every disciple of Jesus to tune out the noise, draw close to the Lord, listen carefully, ask and pray boldly, worship wholeheartedly – and then prepare to move ahead with His divine purpose for you in this hour!

Prayer Points for the Month

US National Elections

Every election in recent decades has been filled with ever-increasing tension, emotion, firmly held disagreements and powerful potential for far-reaching change. But this current election cycle has drastically eclipsed them all, and the voting will take place soon (Nov 3, 2020). 

Voices yell out their opinions of truth. Violence is threatened. Even Christians are found embracing and declaring that which is completely contrary to the Bible and what Jesus came to do and teach.

The issues are complex, the emotions are high, the truth is clouded, the confusion is rampant – only God could ever sort it all out. So God’s people must pray as never before, for His Kingdom to come, and His will to be done!

Please Pray Now:

  • For a binding up of all demonic strategies that would attempt to thwart or sway the election results.
  • For a spiritual “clearing of the air” – as a spiritual rainfall from Heaven – so the truth and deception can be clearly seen.
  • For Christ-followers to fast, pray and repent, seeking God for mercy and His best and highest for the USA.
  • That strong, clear and calm voices would be raised to refute lies and intimidation.
  • For demonic and evil strategies, and those people who participate, to be exposed and clearly seen, with nothing hidden in shadow.
  • That pastors would be unafraid to raise their voice and clearly declare the whole of God’s Word and Counsel, standing as salt and light for righteousness.
  • For all violence to be bound, and supernatural divine peace to rule before, during and after the election.

Mission Home Request

  • Pray for increased support to come from Gods children in Jesus name
  • Pray for the children to become conformed to the image of the first born
  • Pray that all inherited factors pursuing the children will be met with divine fire and utterly consumed in Jesus name
  • Pray for divine judgement on anything and anyone seeking to destroy the future of the children
  • Pray for all that promised to help us to remember their promises and come to fulfil it in Jesus name
  • Pray for all caregivers that God would give them wisdom knowledge and understanding as they care for the children

Pray that there would be no abuse of children in the home 


The Lord Himself, Creator of the Universe, is calling us out of our caves of fear, our places of complacency and comfort, to hear His still quiet voice. He desires to give to each of us personally – and right where we need it – His assurance, hope, purpose and clear direction. So may we each make time to wait, listen, and receive. Let us hear Him!

Drawing near with full assurance, 

Bimbo and Marcus Williams

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