Join us in prayer - November

November 2020 Prayer Requests

LIWOM Office is currently running at a half blast. No thanks to the seemingly daunting situations in the state and nation. The presence of the Lord is strong but we need help from the Lord to do the needful.

Equally, December is fast approaching when we hold our Annual Retreat. For this year, we slated the retreat for the last week in December 2020. The same applies to our Annual Children’s Xmas Party during which we offer children and edutainment platform to end the year.

These activities require divine attention and support.

The USA’s elections are concluding and, regardless of who won or lost, we need to be prepared for what is coming. But not by hiding in bunkers, hoarding food, or buying guns!

True Christ-followers have a supernatural advantage – the eternal and sure Kingdom of God within us. The Bible reveals we are “receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken” (Heb. 12:28), and are not to fear, for it is “your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Lk. 12:32).

God’s Kingdom is given to us both now, and as a future promise yet to be fulfilled. To receive His Kingdom now means to welcome His sovereign rule, as well as His power and authority, to function in and through us daily (Lk 17:22).

So, what does that look like?

Those who welcome His rule in their lives are empowered, equipped and authorized by our King to represent Him and His salvation in every place and every situation. To see His Kingdom come and His will be done moment by moment, as we pray, serve and give.

Clearly, this is not about our ease, comfort and prosperity. It is about God’s best and highest – which is sacrificial and selfless – being welcomed and established in all that concerns us (Mt 20:28; 2Tim 9:12; 1Pet 4:12,13).

The Church in the West has long lived in such peace, freedom and prosperity that we prefer our ease in this life to His eternal high calling. We have forgotten that this is not our home and that we are strangers and aliens in a foreign land. We are not immigrants – we are His ambassadors. We are not to be settled in but sent!

An immigrant wants to learn the ways, language and customs of the land to “fit in.” But as Christ-followers, we learn (often too late) that what the world offers is mere “leeks and onions” and laboring to make “bricks with no straw.” It is difficult, unfulfilling and empty, with no eternal value.

Rather, our God desires that we be destined, empowered and entrusted with His message and summons-to-salvation. Not to get, but to give! Not to keep our life, but to lose it for His sake – so that we actually find it.

It has become clear in these days of lockdowns, political turmoil, and the culture sinking deeper into the abyss of sin that there is no going back. And why would we want to? God is at work, and He is calling us forward into His purposes in these final days.

Manna in the Wilderness

God will lead us through this present “wilderness” of life on this planet. And, regardless of who is in power politically, we must rise and move ahead in God’s unfolding plans.

Here are three ways that God’s eternal Kingdom can be visibly evidenced through us:


PRAY – Jesus instructed us to pray for God’s Kingdom [His clearly-seen presence and rule] to come into our midst, and for His will to be done. If we pray, we invite that powerful and sovereign display of His glory to happen right where we live!

And, when we intercede for all those in authority (whether we like them or not), God’s will is loosed and the freedom of the Gospel continues (Matt 18:18; 1Tim 2:1-6).


ACT – Though we are not to be “of the world,” we still live in it! We have the honor and responsibility of representing Christ wherever we are – in every relationship, conversation and action (Gal 5:22-25).

Our words (spoken or typed) often reveal whether the Lordship of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are ruling in our hearts and minds (Prov. 15:1,2; 20:3; Col 4:5,6; et al). And sometimes, we need a “check-up from the neck up” to repent and make needed adjustments.

Yes, we can be bold in matters that have an eternal impact on peoples’ lives, but we must remain humble and mindful of Who we represent. Yes, we should raise a standard against evil and reject unrighteousness, but must be led by His love and display it.


TESTIFY – We are witnessing so much unrest, rage and violence – revealing the absolutely lost condition of mankind. Jesus warned us of intensifying “birth pains” as we near the end (Matt 24:8).

Heaven and hell are real, and every human will spend eternity in one or the other! There is nothing more important than telling others about the only way to eternal life with God, through what Jesus did for us on the Cross.

God is not a member of any political party. His Kingdom is not brought or demonstrated through politics, but only by personal surrender to and faith in Christ’s salvation and Lordship.

That message of the Gospel must come through each one of us! We win the world one by one. So raise your voice and let it be heard – Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him! (John 14:6)

November Prayer Requests

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

November 1 is dedicated as a day to pray for the global persecuted Church. But it also serves as our reminder to pray regularly for our suffering brothers and sisters around the world.

In addition, it is in God’s heart for every believer and every church to make a priority of both prayers and giving for the Gospel to be preached to unreached people groups who are perishing daily without Christ and His salvation.

The unreached make up 42% of the world’s population, at 3.1 billion people. The very few Christians that might be present in these nations are severely persecuted by either false religions (Islam, Buddhism, etc.) or by communist and socialist governments.

The United States of America

Many have compared the intensely divisive atmosphere in the USA to the conditions at the time of the Civil War of the 19th century. But beyond that, it is clear that the battle is spiritual.

We implore all followers of Christ to rise up in intercessory warfare for the USA. This nation still has purpose and destiny in God to fulfil that will impact the entire world.

Take up the spiritual weapons and authority given to us by God and by the power and blood of Jesus and His great name – and do battle in prayer! (See Eph. 6:10-18; 2Cor 4:4,5; 10:3-5).

Please pray:

Bind the “strong man” of the spirit of Jezebel that is being unleashed on America (Mt 16:19; 18:18-20). Jezebel was a historic person in Elijah’s day that opposed God’s will (1 Kings 16-21).

As a spiritual stronghold, this demon principality is evident again in the early Church (Rev 2:20-23) – and is characterized by rebellion, false prophecy and doctrines, promoting sexual immorality of all kinds, destroying life, manipulating and intimidating God’s leaders to get them to quit.

Pray for divinely ordained peace and order around the November 3 election. Bind spirits of confusion, disorder, violence and the victimhood of self-pity (the Ahab spirit that works with Jezebel).

Ask for God’s righteous, truth and light to expose lies and the works of demonic darkness facilitated by those given to evil purposes

Pray for the Church to have courage and boldness to preach the whole counsel of God’s Word, to not hide their light “under a bushel” through compromise but instead declare the Truth in love that will set captives free from slavery to sin and self!

LIWOM Mission Home

Many have compared the intensely divisive atmosphere in the home among the children to the conditions at the time of the Civil War of the 19th century. But beyond that, it is clear that the battle is spiritual.

We implore all followers of Christ to rise up in intercessory warfare for LIWOM Mission Children Home. This home has purpose and destiny for children in God to fulfil that will impact the entire world.

Take up the spiritual weapons and authority given to us by God and by the power and blood of Jesus and His great name – and do battle in prayer! (See Eph. 6:10-18; 2Cor 4:4,5; 10:3-5)

Please pray:

Bind the “strong man” of the spirit of wickedness that is being unleashed on the Home (Mt 16:19; 18:18-20). It is Jezebel the historic person in Elijah’s day that opposed God’s will (read 1 Kings 16-21).

As a spiritual stronghold, this demon principality is evident again in the lives of young children (Rev 2:20-23) – and is characterized by rebellion, false prophecy and doctrines, promoting sexual immorality of all kinds, destroying life, manipulating and intimidating God’s leaders to get them to quit.

Pray for divinely ordained peace and order around the children in the home and caregivers. Bind spirits of confusion, disorder, violence and the victimhood of self-pity (the Ahab spirit that works with Jezebel).

Ask for God’s righteous, truth and light to expose lies and the works of demonic darkness facilitated by those given to evil purposes

Pray for the Home front to have courage and boldness to preach the whole counsel of God’s Word, to not hide their light “under a bushel” through compromise but instead declare the Truth in love that will set captives free from slavery to sin and self!

Pray for the leaders in the home that God should grant them grace to serve as unto the Lord and do what God wants them to do in Jesus name

Also, destroy every fake worker in our midst and silence the power of pretence and false judgement against the children in Jesus name

Ask God to provide food and other materials for the home to stay safe and healthy under COVID-19

Pray for financial sustained supply to come into the ministry in Jesus name.

Pray for the December retreat 2020 as well as the Christmas children party for divine attention and approval as well as divine supply to respond to the needs of the growing challenges in recent times.

Pray also for the ministers of the gospel that will minister the word of God for clarity and fluidity of revelations. Not by human power but by the spirit of God.


The world is in days of great spiritual conflict and social upheaval. BUT, Jesus Christ has already won the victory and made His salvation a free gift to any and all who will call upon Him.

So, let us go forth as fearless ambassadors in prayer, in action and in testimony to reveal to this lost and dying world that there is hope and life in Jesus’ magnificent Name!

May His Kingdom Come!

Marcus and Bimbo Williams

1 thought on “November 2020 Prayer Requests”

  1. Please pray that my ex will see reason and settle our divorce. He has been repeatedly unfaithful and abusive. Please i am desperate for this to be finalized so that i can move on with my life, raise my children and be of help to others going through something as difficult as this. He stalks me and makes threats on our lives.

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